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Champagne conservation system VINOSERV

VinoServ Champagne

A preservation system, which counts itself

VinoServ Champagne is an advancement of the proven VinoServ devices for wine preservation.
VinoServ Champagne makes immediately conclusion with the waste of valuable residues sparkling wine or Champagner.
The opened bottles after each pouring out under a pressure to hold filled of 3-4 bar with the special gas VinoServ Champagne in such a way sparkling wine and Champagne its freshness and its taste.
The handling is just as simple thereby as comfortable.

VinoServ Champagne offers thereby convincing advantages:
• with VinoServ Champagne rises the durability of open sparkling wines and Champagner to approx. 14 days
• Carbonic acid, taste and quality from sparkling wine and Champagner remain complete
• the assigned gas is perfectly innocuously, odorless and food genuine
VinoServ Champagne devices are problem-free in the handling and with 60-80 applications per cartouche economical in consumption
VinoServ Champagne makes itself fast paid and brings additional net yield

Simply in the handling – economically in the use
VinoServ Champagne

VinoServ Champagne
» informations

Working principle:
VinoServ Champagne: adapt the stopper
adapt the stopper
VinoServ Champagne: fill with CO2 gas
fill with CO2 gas
VinoServ Champagne: set the manometer
set the manometer

 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE
289.98 EUR
Professional conservation system VinoServ for champagne bottles
furnished with the CO2 cartridge - stopper with security - manometer
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Cartridge VinoConserv for VinoServ Champagne
Cartridge VinoConserv for VinoServ Champagne
 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE
67.3 EUR
2 Replacement cartridges for Professional conservation system VinoServ Champagne
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 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE
523.39 EUR
(432.55 VAT excl.)
Pack with 16 replacement cartridges for Professional conservation system VinoServ Champagne
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Security :
The VINOSERV system is a professional equipment..
The atmosphere VINOSERV consists of non-breathable atmosphere, do not breathe.
Use only VINOSERV for the intended use, do not leave within reach of children !
Pressure vessel do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50 ° C !
Do not break through.
Additional stopper for VinoServ Champagne
Additional stopper for VinoServ Champagne
 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE
121 EUR
Additional stopper for Professional conservation system VinoServ Champagne

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 2 ]
=> 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
205.7 EUR
1 Cardboard of 2 x (102.85 EUR)
Additional stopper for Professional conservation system VinoServ Champagne
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