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Access-Wines > The best sommeliers of the world, Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru

The best sommeliers of the world

Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru

overview contest of the « Best Sommeliers of the World » :
place of the contest
winner and country represented
Santiago du Chili - Chili
Gérard Basset - England
Rhodes - Greece
Andreas Larsson - Sweden
Athènes - Greece
Montréal - Quebec, Canada
Vienne - Austria
Vienne - Austria
Tokyo - Japan
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Philippe Faure-Brac - France
Paris - France
Venise - Italy
Jean-Claude Jambon - France
Brussels - Belgium
Jean-Luc Pouteau - France
Lisbonne - Portugal
Milano - Italy
Piero Sattanino - Italy
Brussels - Belgium
Armand Melkonian - France

Created in 1992 by VIALIS, all the « Château Laguiole » corkscrews are manufactured with the respect of the tradition and know-how of the Thiers region.
2004, Athènes - Greece, Enrico Bernardo - Italy
The best sommeliers of the world, Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Enrico Bernardo (Best Sommelier of the world 2004), with his corkscrew in lacquer and brushed steel that reminds him of his collection of pens.
Enrico Bernardo (Best Sommelier of the world 2004), with his corkscrew in lacquer and brushed steel that reminds him of his collection of pens.  made in France made in France
154.11 EUR
Corkscrew Ch�teau Laguiole Enrico Bernardo
serie of the best sommeliers of the world
Stainless steel handle - stamped brown leather case
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2000, Montréal - Quebec, Canada, Olivier Poussier - France
Due to the storm of 26 décember 1999, a important number of trees was uproot or endomaged, also in the park of the château de Versailles. Guy Vialis buyed the most beautiful stump and many other trees during the auction sale in october 2000.
YEW TREE, Park of the Château de Versailles
JUNIPER TREE, Park of the Château de Versailles
THUYA TREE, Park of the Château de Versailles
TULIPIER TREE, Park of the Château de Versailles

The corkscrew made from yew tree from the château de Versailles are engraved "Olivier Poussier", the best sommelier of the world in year 2000.
The best sommeliers of the world, Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Olivier Poussier Best Sommelier of the world 2000The best sommeliers of the world, Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Olivier Poussier Best Sommelier of the world 2000
Olivier Poussier Best Sommelier of the world 2000
 made in France made in France
161.95 EUR
Corkscrew Ch�teau Laguiole grand cru Olivier Poussier engraved O.POUSSIER
serie of the best sommeliers of the world
Yew tree of the bosquet of the queen handle - stamped brown leather case
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 In the same range, the gift box sommelier + cigar cutter:
 made in France made in France en stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.7Kg

 to know more
248 EUR
Gift box Scissors cigar cutter stainless steel - yew tree handles from the bosquet of the Queen in Versailles
and Corkscrew Ch�teau Laguiole grand cru Olivier Poussier engraved O.POUSSIER
serie of the best sommeliers of the world
Yew tree of the bosquet of the queen handle

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1999, Germany, Hendrik Thoma - Germany
The best sommeliers of the world, Hendrik Thoma (Master sommelier 1999 - Germany)
Hendrik Thoma (Master sommelier 1999 - Germany). This corkscrew is no longer manufactured.
1998, Vienne - Austria, Markus del Monego - Germany
The best sommeliers of the world, Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Markus Del Monego (Best Sommelier of the world 1998), his butler is with wood vine with a long bolster and the lever is engraved with his initials.
Chateau Laguiole Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Markus Del Monego (Best Sommelier of the world 1998), his butler is with wood vine with a long bolster and the lever is engraved with his initials.
Delivered with stamped leather sheath
Markus Del Monego (Best Sommelier of the world 1998), his butler is with wood vine with a long bolster and the lever is engraved with his initials.
 made in France made in France en stock ! 1 item(s) in stock Envoi par DPD colis=0.4Kg

149.56 EUR
Corkscrew Ch�teau Laguiole grand cru Markus Del Monego
serie of the best sommeliers of the world
Vine wood handle - stamped brown leather case
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1998(bis), Vienne - Austria, Eric Beaumard - France
The best sommeliers of the world, Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Eric Beaumard (Vice-champion of the world 1998)
Delivered with stamped leather sheath
Eric Beaumard (Vice-champion of the world 1998)
 made in France made in France
149.56 EUR
Corkscrew Ch�teau Laguiole grand cru Eric Beaumard
serie of the best sommeliers of the world
Carbon handle - stamped leather case
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1995, Tokyo - Japan, Shinya Tasaki - Japan
Chateau Laguiole Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Shinya Tasaki, World’s Best Sommelier 1995, contest of Tokyo - Japan chose his butler in red and white as the colors of his country, his name is engraved on the lever.
Chateau Laguiole Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Shinya Tasaki, World’s Best Sommelier 1995, contest of Tokyo - Japan chose his butler in red and white as the colors of his country, his name is engraved on the lever.
Chateau Laguiole Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Shinya Tasaki, World’s Best Sommelier 1995, contest of Tokyo - Japan chose his butler in red and white as the colors of his country, his name is engraved on the lever.
Delivered with stamped leather sheath
Shinya Tasaki, World’s Best Sommelier 1995, contest of Tokyo - Japan chose his butler in red and white as the colors of his country, his name is engraved on the lever.
 made in France made in France
169.42 EUR
Corkscrew -Wine waiter's knife- Ch�teau Laguiole of the japanese Shinya Tasaki
serie of the best sommeliers of the world
stamina and ivoirine handle - stamped bordeaux and white leather case
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KAI japanese knives - SHUN KAJI high range knives
KAI japanese knives - SHUN KAJI high range knives
KAI japanese knives - SHUN series - chefs knives - Damascus steel blade
KAI japanese knives - SHUN series - chefs knives - Damascus steel blade
KAI japanese knives - SHUN PRO series - chefs knives
KAI japanese knives - SHUN PRO series - chefs knives
KAI japanese knives - SEKI MAGOROKU series - chefs knives
KAI japanese knives - SEKI MAGOROKU series - chefs knives
1989, Paris - France, Serge Dubs - France
The best sommeliers of the world, Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Serge Dubs (Best Sommelier of the world 1989) chose a palissander handle and a stork engraved on the bolster to remind the Alsace region.
Delivered with stamped leather sheath
Serge Dubs (Best Sommelier of the world 1989) chose a palissander handle and a stork engraved on the bolster to remind the Alsace region.
 made in France made in France
145.78 EUR
Corkscrew Ch�teau Laguiole grand cru Serge Dubs
serie of the best sommeliers of the world
Palissander handle - stamped brown leather case
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1978, Lisbonne - Portugal, Giuseppe Vaccarini - Italy
The best sommeliers of the world, Chateau Laguiole Grand Cru, Giuseppe Vaccarini (Best Sommelier of the world 1978) wished a Lime handle, this wood species reminding his native Italy.
Delivered with stamped leather sheath
Giuseppe Vaccarini (Best Sommelier of the world 1978) wished a Lime handle, this wood species reminding his native Italy.
 made in France made in France en stock ! 1 item(s) in stock Envoi par DPD colis=0.4Kg

169.42 EUR
Ch�teau Laguiole grand cru Guiseppe Vaccarini Corkscrew
serie of the best sommeliers of the world
Lemon tree wood handle - stamped brown leather case
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see also :
related items : 43
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Carving set LAGUIOLE Claude DozormeCarving set LAGUIOLE Claude Dozorme 
Carving sets Forge de Laguiole 
To cut the cigars « Forge de Laguiole » 
les calumets « Forge de Laguiole » pour pipes
Et le livre de référence : LAGUIOLE.
Coffrets cadeauxGifts boxes Screwpull 




LAGUIOLE : Eloge du couteau
Eloge du couteau


Une lame de légende.

Bras : Laguiole, Aubrac, France
Laguiole, Aubrac, France


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De corne et d'acier:
l'épopée du couteau de laguiole

Un livre de
Daniel Crozes




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