The CREDO method :
The classical method consisted in placing a water reservoir inside the humidor in which the air becomes quickly saturated by evaporated water.
As soon as the Relative Humidity runs past 85%, mould appears. Beyond 90%, cigars will rot away after a few weeks or even days.
The CREDO Precision 70 overcomes this problem. The secret of its originality lies in a physico-chemical solution.
The principle is based on the creation of melange of water and tensio-active substances which limits the potential of the evaporation of the water itself.
The humidity of the air is a function of the composition of this melange.
Therefore, the manufacturer controls the Relative Humidity of the ambiant atmosphere inside any humidor.
21 EUR
Golded CREDO Hygrometer - Ø tot: 55mm delivered with magnetic element for fixing inside the humidor possible fitting in Ø: 50mm
HYGROMETRE : precise and adjustable hygrometers.
exist on 2 dimensions : ø 70 mm et ø 45 mm
It’s recommended to adjust the instrument once a year. Simply wrap it up in a wet cloth for half an hour. The pointer should indicate 94-96%. If this is not the case, readjust the instrument on the back with a screwdriver.