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Access-Wines > Vacuvin - Wine rack to store bottles

Vacuvin - Wine rack to store bottles

Vacuvin - Wine rack to store bottles  - by 6 wine bottles to superpose or to set side by side.
Vacuvin - Wine rack to store bottles
by 6 wine bottles to superpose or to set side by side.
Vacuvin - Wine rack to store bottles  - by 6 wine bottles to superpose or to set side by side.Detail Vacuvin - Wine rack to store bottles

Due to its clever construction this luxury wine rack is both strong and easy to assemble. Because of its flexibility the wine rack can be configured into various shapes to make the best use of the space available!
 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE
56.05 EUR
VACUVIN wine rack suitable for 6 bottles
stainless steel structure
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The elements are firmly maintained with the pairs of stainless steel rings, an element measures 18 cm in-depth and the ring has an internal diameter usable of 10cm, which also makes it possible to arrange the champagne bottles.
The assembly cannot comprise more than 10 éleménts of arrangement in height.

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Wine racks Canty - storage for bottles

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