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VACUVIN - Wine Sets gift box

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Summer Wine Set Gift box Vacuvin

WINE SET GIFT BOX from VacuVin for Summer including:
> 1 Twister corkscrew
> 1 silvered Rapid Ice
> 1 Wine Server Crystal (only 1)
Tire-bouchon «TWISTER» VacuVin (boîte cadeau)
:: IN STOCK ::
10.36 EUR
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VACUVIN RAPID ICE for wine bottles cooling silvered decor
Pack 2 black drip stop VACUVIN Wine Server Crystal

 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE en stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.5Kg

:: 17.95 EUR ::
VacuVin Wine gift box with of silvered RAPID ICE

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 2 ]
=> 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
:: 34.82 EUR ::
Pack 2 x (17.41 EUR)
VacuVin Wine gift box with of silvered RAPID ICE
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 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE big stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.3Kg

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:: 14.95 EUR ::
VacuVin Wine gift box 3
with TWISTER corkscrew - foil cutter - wine server crystal

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 3 ]
=> 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
:: 43.5 EUR ::
Pack 3 x (14.5 EUR)
VacuVin Wine gift box 3
with TWISTER corkscrew - foil cutter - wine server crystal

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 12 ]
=> 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
:: 161.46 EUR ::
1 Cardboard of 12 x (13.455 EUR)
VacuVin Wine gift box 3
with TWISTER corkscrew - foil cutter - wine server crystal
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 made in EUROPE made in EUROPE en stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.4Kg

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22.17 EUR
Stainless steel VACUVIN wine saver pump with 2 stoppers and 2 wine server crystal

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 2 ]
=> 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
43.01 EUR
Pack 2 x (21.505 EUR)
Stainless steel VACUVIN wine saver pump with 2 stoppers and 2 wine server crystal
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Les Anti-Gouttes
»  Becs verseurs anti-goutte "Wine Server Cristal"
»  Disques anti-goutte DROP STOP
»  Disques anti-goutte DROP STOP Champagne Gold
»  Sous-bouteilles "Bottle Coaster"
»  Colliers de Bacchus anti-goutte
»  Colliers Grand Cru Classé

Les objets publicitaires
autour du vin et champagne
» Tous les objets publicitaires autour du vin et champagne
» Les Wine Server Cristal marqués avec votre logo
» Pompes VacuVin marquées avec votre logo
Set 2 colored drip stop VACUVIN Wine Server
 :: IN STOCK ::
Pack 2 black drip stop VACUVIN Wine Server Crystal
promotional printed gift:
» The wine server crystal marked with the LOGO of your company
The wine server crystal marked with the LOGO of your company

» Promotions and best prices
» Professional Cookware and Frying pans
» Kitchen accessories and ustencils

The VACUVIN items
tire-bouchons sommeliers Waiters and Corkscrews :
     » Corkscrew wick or screwed spin for the WINE MASTER
     » Corkscrew TWISTER
     » Sommelier WAITER
     » Waiter's Friend Corkscrew
Coffret cadeau Wine Set VACUVIN Gift box Wine Set VACUVIN
anti-goutte Wine Server Crystal
anti-goutte Bottle coaster 
bouchon à champagne VACUVIN Champagne stopper
Wine Saver VACUVIN vacum Wine Saver vacuum pump
»  Stainless steel wine saver vacuum pump gift box
 Wine Saver vacuum Concerto pump
food saver VACUVIN vacum Food saver vacuum
 Pineapple slicer
food saver marinater VACUVIN vacum Food saver dish vacuum instant marinater
»   Food cutting board
coffee saver VACUVIN vacum Coffee saver vacuum
rack Wine racks for 6 wine bottles
 Barbecue cooler plate
 Wine Champagne Water Soda Beer coolers
refroidisseurs à champagne VACUVIN Rapid Ice Champagne coolers
Wine cooler VACUVIN Rapid Ice Wines coolers
 Wine cooler jackets Rapid Ice classic
Wine and champagne VACUVIN coolers Wine and Champagne Rapid Ice Coolers
 Rapid Ice Wine coolers
 Rapid Ice coolers
seau refroidisseur à vin VACUVIN PRESTIGE Rapid Ice Wine cooler
 Ice bucket PRESTIGE Stainless steel Rapid Ice champagne
 Rapid Ice water cooler
Vacuvin gifts boxes Vacuvin Products - Gift boxes








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