Access-Wines > Champagne sabers BRIQUET of the Sommelier
Champagne sabers BRIQUET of the Sommelier
Bronze handle - cutlery Fox
The tradition of opening a Champagne bottle with a saber was born in the Napoleonic era. The "sabrage" with the Briquet sabre was founded in 1812 by the general himself after winning a battle. This unique custom has survived to this day, and not only in France. It is a special highlight at any festive occasion. When done correctly, it generally works with no problems. After the wire basket is removed from the cork, one drives the blade of the saber along the bottleneck and onto the thickening of the neck below the bottle head with feeling. The cork leaps out with a bang and the Champagne flows out. Any resulting glass fragments fly forward, propelled by the pressure. The severed bottle head with the cork will be labeled with the date and will then serve as a reminder of the celebration or as a talisman. True to the original, the especially high-quality Champagne saber by Fox is manufactured in the known cutlery workshop in Maniago, Italy. The blade is made of rust-proof T5MOV stainless steel. The sturdy yet valuable processing and decoration of the handle is a particularly complex design. This Champagne saber is certainly ready for any challenges at celebrations. It is delivered in an elegant wooden box with a decorative stand. Total length 52 cm. Blade 40 cm.
Champagne sabers BRIQUET of the Sommelier
made in EUROPE (ITALY)
129 EUR
Champagne Briquet sword of the sommelier blade 40cm BRONZE handle - Fox cutlery delivered in a white wooden box with an extra wood base
VinoServ Champagne makes immediately conclusion with the waste of valuable residues sparkling wine or Champagne.
The opened bottles after each pouring out under a pressure to hold filled of 3-4 bar with the special gas VinoServ Champagne in such a way sparkling wine and Champagne its freshness and its taste. » Vinoserv for preserving Champagnes