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RAVI - Instant wine chiller

RAVI - Instant wine chiller
The Ravi is based on the innovative concept of cooling wine at the very moment it’s served. It’s not the bottle that is cooled, but the wine itself. The cooling process takes place as the wine passes through ravi. With an internal tube made from the same stainless steel used for fermentation tanks, ravi maintains the wine’s characteristics and never alters the taste.
 made in Canada made in Canada big stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=0.3Kg
:: 42.9 EUR ::
Instant wine chiller RAVI

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 2 ]
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:: 83.23 EUR ::
Pack 2 x (41.615 EUR)
Instant wine chiller RAVI
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 made in Canada made in Canada big stock ! Envoi par DPD colis=1.2Kg
:: 209 EUR ::
pack of 6 instant wine chiller RAVI

Even less expensive per quantity, buy of them [ 2 ]
=> 1. Obtain a reduction => 2. Decrease the shipping fees !
:: 405.46 EUR ::
Pack 2 x (202.73 EUR)
pack of 6 instant wine chiller RAVI
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User instructions -VIDEO- How does it works ?
-ref. Wine Spectator Magazine:
With the RAVI instant chiller, «Serving temperature can be achieved in a few seconds, a few seconds longer and your white wine is ready for the guests.».
-ref. Wine Enthusiast Magazine:
About RAVI instant cooler, «sometimes that an invention born brings us this reflection: "But how is it that nobody had thought of it sooner? ", this is the case with RAVI.».
-The RAVI instant freshener allows you to serve white, rosé and red wines instantly at the right temperature with a valve allowing to regulate the flow and thus the temperature of the wine when it comes out of the Ravi.
RAVI - Instant wine chiller
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